Too Short to Post III

I keep a running list of blog post ideas. Some of those ideas aren’t quite substantive enough to deserve their own articles, but I think are worthwhile anyway.

That’s what this article is, the third compilation of too short to post blog ideas.

Feedback & Self Doubt

I’ve had a lot of confidence in Nut Hunt since very early on in the design process. Nearly from day one I thought I had something special, and worked hard to sculpt the game around its exciting elements (i.e. the Fox).

But, no matter how much confidence I’ve had, it’s been over two years from when I first designed the game, to it being fulfilled to our Kickstarter bakers. That’s a long time, and a long time for doubt to creep in around the edges.

This week I’m exhaling a breath that I didn’t realize I was holding.

So far this month (since games started fulfilling) Board Game Geek ratings for Nut Hunt have averaged 8.3!

It feels incredible getting feedback from real gamers who purchased our game, and to have that feedback be overwhelmingly positive.

If you’d like to leave a rating, you can do so here: Board Game Geek.

Fulfillment Hiccups & Tips

Fulfillment for Nut Hunt has been pretty smooth. Fulfillrite took care of all the heavy lifting. We have had a few hiccups that are worth mentioning.

We had a few backers fill out there Backerkit surveys using their Kickstarter usernames in place of their actual names. In most domiciles this isn’t an issue, but in a couple instances in Europe our currier wouldn’t deliver the package. This resulted in a return to sender, and we have to resend new games from our US fulfillment center.

Tip: check your surveys to make sure everyone uses a real name.

In the Kickstarter we offered Duty Paid Delivery to the EU, Canada, and Australia. Our original plan was to freight pallets to each region and fulfill locally. Because of our order size, it ended up making more sense to freight a container of games to the US and fulfill everything out of the states.

Fulfillrite’s DDP covers all of our planned domiciles other than Germany. We’ve therefore been refunding German backers the amount of VAT, but even with that it is causing them inconvenience as they need to pick up their packages at their local post office.

Tip: Be thorough in your fulfillment planning, and have contingencies if your plan A no longer makes sense.

How do you stay deal with self doubt in your creative endeavors?


Going Digital - Part II - Early Lessons


Nuts & Bolts – How to Structure a Kickstarter